Bitcoin Holiday Calendar
The Bitcoin Mailing List Begins
December 10th, 2008
Satoshi Nakamoto began the Bitcoin mailing list on http://sourceforge.net with the message "Welcome to the Bitcoin mailing list!" It has since morphed into the Bitcoin Development Mailing List we now know today on: https://groups.google.com/g/bitcoindev

La Fuga - Satoshi's Final Message
December 12th, 2010
On this day in 2010, Satoshi sent their last message to the world, and then ceased public communication with the Bitcoin community, never to be heard from again.

Coldcard makes its debut
December 14th, 2017
On this day in 2017, the world's most trusted and secure bitcoin hardware wallet, the Coldcard, is first released.
HODL day
December 18th, 2013
On this day in 2013, a very drunk user on the bitcointalk.org forums decided to make a post about why he wasn't selling despite the falling price.
Read the original discussion, "I AM HODLING", here.
Read the original discussion, "I AM HODLING", here.

Diffie-Hellman dayBitcoin Logo DayBitcoin.org RegisteredSatoshi Emails Adam Back For Hashcash CitationBitcoin Whitepaper DayThe Bitcoin Mailing List BeginsBitcoin's birthday!Proof of Keys DayRunning Bitcoin Day!Genesis Transaction DayBitcoin Pizza DayLa Fuga - Satoshi's Final MessageSilk Road DayAltcoin Genesis DayBitcoin in Good HandsThe great bitcoin bubble of 2011Coinkite Was Born #140,900The death of Mt. Gox24 block rollbackThe Billion Dollar DayBitcoin ATM DayShitcoin DayFree Ross DayHaters in Disbelief DayHODL dayI am not Dorian NakamotoOpendime makes its debutThe Slaying of the BearWhaleThis is Gentlemen!Lightning Whitepaper DayBitconneeeeeeeeect!Gold Parity DayFirst Lightning payment on LTCNY Disagreement DayBitcoin Independence DaySegWit Lock-in DayActivation DayS2X Failure to Launch DayColdcard makes its debutLightning Pay DayLightning Pizza DayLightning Network TorchCraig Wright is a Fraud DayThe Trillion Dollar DayMoscow timeLaw declaring bitcoin legal tender in El Salvador passesBitcoin Infinity DayBitcoin becomes legal tender in El SalvadorZap NIP DayRoss Ulbricht Pardoned